Saturday, September 22, 2012

In the beginning, there was coffee.

My friend Becky sent me a link to Sweet Maria's and the world of home roasted coffee opened before me. Next, I get two pounds of green coffee beans from Sweet Maria's and an Air Crazy popcorn popper from Marshals and I'm in business.

My Air Crazy Popcorn Popper. 

My beans are way too blond! This is a six minute roast.

Much better. These were roasted for ten minutes! I think it is time for a slight electrical modification of my roaster/popper.

And a close up.

Sooo, did I mention how awsome Sweet Maria's is? One thing I love about this site is their honesty - they sell products (roasters for example) but they don't hesitate to tell you the pros and cons. They also have a great selection of raw beans and close relationships with small farmers. They call it " Farm Gate coffee, where we can be assured of exactly what the farmer received. And in these cases they yield 40%-100%+ more than Fair Trade prices."

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